Company Overview
In the Years
The Headquarter of ELSTAR is transferred to Imola (Bologna) and is led by the sole managing director Eng. Ghassan Zu'Mot.
ELSTAR was established in Piobesi (Turin) by Eng. Ghassan Zu'Mot together with other partners from the automotive sector.
Core Business
We are specialized in the import and export of car components both for original equipment and for the aftermarket sector.
We boast numerous suppliers, including the Brazilian Cofap of which it is the exclusive distributor for Italy in the suspension sector, Mahle Cofap Anéis for piston rings and many others. We also market products under our ELSTAR and ROYAL brands.
ELSTAR and ROYAL branded products reach 25 countries around the world, especially North Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
Currently, export accounts for 80% of the company's turnover.
Since 2015 a department dedicated to advertising promotion was born under the OMAR ZU'MOT COMMUNICATION brand with which ELSTAR proposes itself in the advertising market by offering graphics, printing, personalization, webdeveloping, social media management services, video animation, marketing and advertising solutions.
Meet the Team

Ghassan Zu'Mot
Nader Zu'Mot